
GVS Realistic Fly Tying System Pro Staff for Belgium and Europe Mr Stephane Perick


Stephane Perick.
He lives in Belgium, he is 49 years old after practicing other sport fishing techniques, he started to fly with the artificial fly in 2010. Fly fishing and the construction of artificial flies led him to fish in beautiful countries, giving him the opportunity to meet many interesting people, in the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, etc. At the beginning, the construction of artificial flies was just a hobby, but after a few weeks it became a real passion. Most prefer to build the Dry Fflies, the parachute model is his favorite and with these imitations capture beautiful trout and grayling.

Participates in national and international events of construction of artificial flies, spreading its systems of assembly of artificial insects and using different materials, natural and synthetic, putting his talent and skill in the construction of the same.

Considering his remarkable experience in Fly Fishing and Fly Tying, we have considered it appropriate to involve him in the Pro Staff of the GVS Realistic Fly Tying System. Do not hesitate to contact him, and is very helpful in giving you clarification and information regarding our products.
His residence: Hannut, Belgium
His e-mail address: