GVS Tecno-Consenerg SRL, unique registration code RO 31175304, registered with the Trade Register from the area of the Ilfov county with J23/347/04.02.2013, as personal data controller, collects and processes data in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677 from 21.11.2001 and as of 25.05.2018 also with the provisions of Regulation no. 679 from 27.04.2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
The scope of this document is to inform you correctly, specifically and unequivocally about the manner, purpose for which such data are collected, processed, the period of holding such data, the methods to exert the individual rights, as well as information related to the secondary processing scope, if the data are to be processed for a purpose other than such for which it was collected by our associated controllers.
At the processing of such data, we consider the effective laws on the protection and processing of personal data. For such purpose, we have performed an internal audit in regard to the manner of collecting, processing and remitting of personal data, we took technical measures and we implemented a series of technical and administrative procedures, we held trainings within the team, in order to make the team members aware and responsible.
If you are the client of our webpage, we collect and process the following data, for the legitimate scope of invoicing and delivering the orders under optimal conditions:
If you are a visitor, only those data shall be registered that were registered by the cookies accepted by the visitor on his first visit on the webpage by a notification window on the cookies policy and described on the page of the Cookies Policy.
If you chose to register for the corporate newsletter, we keep for the commercial communications the e-mail address, as well as your name.
Important: the data kept in the database have undergone PSEUDONYMISATION by a encrypting them before saving them in the database. Thus, data such as the surname, forename, e-mail, telephone, IP, address, zip code etc., are saved in the database further to the encryption by two private keys, keeping clearly only the first 6 characters, a (fictive) address, such as Plopilor street, apt. building B3, entrance A, apt. 14 being saved in the database as Street_dysuyds4e35sdsds and it is decrypted only at the time of actually using such in the administration instance of the store.
The term of keeping and processing the personal data is related to the existence of the user account on our webpage, the data being deleted on the explicit request of the account holder or as long as necessary to accomplish the scopes declared by this page. The data necessary to draft the invoices are kept for a period necessary to fulfil the legal (taxation, archiving) obligations provided by the laws from Romania.
The personal data may be remitted to the following persons or entities or they shall be accessed by them as part of the daily working process:
To each user of our webpage is presented at the time of his first visit on the webpage the list of modules collecting in one way or another, explicitly or implicitly, data that can be classified in the personal data category. This is performed by a notification in the lower part of the webpage, a notification by which the visitor is able to accept all modules or individually (e.g.: Tawk.to, YouTube.com etc.) besides the necessary modules pertaining to the actual operation of the store, if the visitor does not agree to a certain module, its operation shall be deactivated and the concerned module shall no longer collect data. For example, if the visitor does not agree to the data collected by YouTube by inserting the YouTube code on our page, he can deactivate it.
If the visitor changes his mind in regard to certain previously accepted modules, he may display again the settings window by accessing the menu Show Cookie Settings from the menu on the lower part of the webpage.
In case of forms, such are remitted only in case of reading and accepting the policy on data collection and protection, this being certified by the mandatory ticking from the footer of each form imposing this, such as:
a) The right to access to the data and information - Persons, whose data were collected are entitled to be informed about the data that were collected, the purpose and duration of collecting such data.
b) The right to intervene upon the data - Persons, whose data date were collected are entitled to obtain on request the collected data, to request the rectification, update, supplementation or erasure of such data, especially of inaccurate data.
The request to amend, update, erase the data shall be remitted in writing or to the e-mail address dpo@realisticflies.ro and it shall comprise notes about the option to remit the answer, i.e. on physical or electronic support. The remittal of the answer to such request shall be performed within a term of 30 days as of receiving the request.
c) The right to object – Persons, whose data date were collected may object at any time against the processing of the personal data concerning them, unless this infringes the effective (tax, archiving) legislation.
For such purpose, as well as any other purpose concerning personal data, data subjects shall resort in writing, at the address of the company or by e-mail at the address dpo@realisticflies.ro and the answer shall be remitted within a term of 30 days as of receiving the request. For any question about the manner in which the data of the data subjects are used or if any additional explanations are necessary in regard to any issue pertaining to the data processing, such can resort to the data protection officer of the company, by the e-mail dpo@realisticflies.ro, by mail or by personally submitting a notification signed in original at our business unit at the address GVS Tecno-Consenerg SRL, Sos. Unirii, 340 Sat Balotesti, Balotesti (ILFOV) Romania