1. Introduction
This Policy on cookies shall be applied to all users of the webpage www.realisticflies.ro
The purpose of the information presented hereinafter is the informing of users of this webpage about the placing, use and management of cookies by GVS Tecno-Consenerg SRL in the context of the users’surfing on this webpage.
2. What are cookies?
We use the term “cookie” to refer to the cookie modules and similar technologies by which information can be automatically collected.
An “Internet Cookie” (a term also known as “browser cookie” or “HTTP cookie” or “cookie”) represents a file of small sizes, made
up of letters and numbers that shall be stored on the PC, mobile terminal or other pieces of equipment of a user by which the internet is accessed.
Cookies are installed by the request issued by a web-server to a browser (e.g.: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome). Once installed, cookies have a limited term, remaining “passive”, i.e. they do not comprise software programs, viruses or spyware and they shall neither access the information from the user’s hard drive on which the equipment was installed.
A cookie is made up of two parts:
In technical view, only the web-server that remitted the cookie can access it again at the time when a user returns to the webpage related to the concerned web-server.
3. For what purposes are cookies used through this webpage:
Cookies are used to deliver to the users of this webpage a better surfing experience and services customized to the necessities and interest of each user, namely for:
Based on the feedback remitted by the cookies in regard to the manner of using this webpage, [the holder of the website] can take measures, so that this webpage should be more efficient and accessible to users.
Thus, the use of cookies enables the memorizing of certain settings/preferences established by users this webpage, such as:
4. Which is the duration of cookies?
The duration of cookies may significantly vary, according to the scope for which it is placed. There are the following categories of cookies determining also their lifespan:
Session Cookies – A session cookie is a cookie, which is automatically deleted when the user closes the browser.v
Persistent or Fixed Cookies – A persistent or fixed cookie is a cookie that remains stored in the user’s terminal until it reaches a certain expiry date (which may range from a couple of minutes, days to several year in the future) or until it is deleted by the user at any time by the browser settings.
5. What are third party cookies?
Certain content sections on the webpage may be supplied by third parties, i.e. not by the [holder of the website] and then such are called “third party cookies”).
Third-party suppliers of cookies should also observe the rules in the field of data protection and Privacy Policy available on this webpage.
Such cookies may originate from the following third parties:
6. What cookies are used by this webpage:
a. Performance cookies By this type of cookies are saved the preferences of the user of this webpage, so that it is no longer necessary to set up the preferences when subsequently using the webpage.
b. Cookies for the analysis of users Such cookies inform us, whether a certain user of the webpage has visited/used this webpage before. Such cookies are used only for statistical purposes.
c. Cookies for geotargetting Such cookies are used by a software establishing the country of origin of the user of the webpage. The same advertisements shall be received, regardless of the chosen language.
d. Registration cookies When you register on this site, cookies saving this process are generated. Servers use such cookies to show us the account with which you are registered. The use of such cookies also enables us to associate any comment displayed on the webpage to the username of the used account. If the option “keep me registered” has not been chosen, such cookies shall be automatically deleted at the time of finishing the surfing session.
e. Publicity cookies Such cookies enable us to find out what online commercial has been viewed by a user, its type and time run as of the moment of viewing the concerned publicity message. As such, this type of cookies is used to target the online publicity. Such cookies are anonymous, storing information on the viewed content, not about the users.
7. What type of information is stored and accessed by the cookies? Cookies keep the information in a text file of small sizes, enabling the recognition of the browser. This webpage recognizes the browser until the cookies expire or are deleted.
8. The customization of the browser settings in regard to cookies
9. How can cookies be stopped?
The deactivation and refusal to receive cookies may hinder the visiting of this webpage, resulting in limitations of the possibilities to use such.
Users can configure the browser, so as to reject each cookie or accept cookies only from a certain webpage. All modern browsers enable settings of cookies. Such settings can be usually accessed in the section “options” or in the menu “preferences” of your browser.
Nevertheless, the refusal or deactivation of cookies shall not mean that you will no longer receive online publicity – but only that such will not be adapted to your preferences and interests highlighted by the surfing conduct.
In order to understand such settings, the following links may be useful:
For any additional questions in regard to the manner of using cookies by this webpage, please resort to: dpo@realisticflies.ro or the telephone number +40(0)372.910.041