
GVS Realistic Fly Tying System Pro Staff for Italy and Europe Mr. Gabriele Di Florio


Gabriele Di Florio
Coming from Abruzzo, Italy, he started fishing in 1980, spending his first 2 years trying various fishing techniques and then fell in love with fly fishing. After 10 years of self-study, in 1992 he decided to attend a course organized by the SIM (Italian School of Fly Fishing). In 1994 he participated in the selection to become a SIM basic instructor and also a level I instructor. From 2002 to 2008 he held a significant role in the associations that dealt with saving the environment, being a manager of the Abruzzo Region for the conservation of river ecosystems. In 2008 he moved to Romania, where he currently lives with his family in Bucharest.
In 2010 he decided to resume his role as an instructor, attending the seminars of the FFF (Federation of Fly Fishermen) and obtaining the CI license (certified instructor).
In the following years, he organized seminars with numerous Fly Fishers appearances and obtaining remarkable results. During his career as Fly Fisher and Fly Tier, he has written numerous articles on fly fishing and fly fishing in magazines.
Given his remarkable experience in the field of fly fishing and fly fishing, we thought it appropriate to include him in the Pro staff of the realistic fly fishing system of GVS.
We owe him many of the projects that have enabled the development of our products.
Do not hesitate to contact him. He is happy to offer explanations and detailed information about our products.
His address: Bucharest, Romania
His e-mail address: