Roberto Brenda
Born in Pescara in 1960, he has always been passionate about the natural sciences, but has also inherited his passion for hunting and sport fishing from his grandfather.It was in 1976 that, following a natural evolution that saw him experimenting with every fishing system, he arrived at artificial fly fishing thanks to a meeting with Mario Riccardi, organized by the local FIPSAS section. From that moment he will fish exclusively using this fishing technique until 1992, the year in which he takes a break to dedicate himself to teaching underwater activities. In 2006 the passion for the artificial fly reappeared strongly, and this technique is still on the front line more fierce than ever, almost as if to save the lost time. A militant in the S.I.M., Italian School of Fishing in Moscow, he works as a photographer and entomologist. The preferred techniques range from the dry fly to the nymph, through the submerged fly, but, if the river conditions allow it, always and only fishing with dry fly, just for the passion that feeds for the study of aquatic creatures. Throughout the year he attends watercourses with his Reflex, but never separates from the fly rod, which he prefers to use choosing the technique based on the fish's food activity.
Considering his remarkable experience in Fly Fishing and Fly Tying, we have considered it appropriate to involve him in the Pro Staff of the GVS Realistic Fly Tying System. Do not hesitate to contact him, and is very helpful in giving you clarification and information regarding our products.
His residence: Montesilvano (PE), Italia
His e-mail address: